David Shrigley

‘It’s nice to have the work somewhere where it will really be seen on a day-to-day level. Sometimes people are drunk and they’ve been well fed which makes them an ideal audience. Yes, a well-fed, slightly inebriated audience is definitely the best audience you can have for art.

‘It’s good to be in this collection because this is a more permanent one, it’s more like a museum. It’s more secure and more earnest. Unlike other clubs’ collections which don’t feel like a safe place. 

‘When I’m in London I always pop in and quite often stay there. People are always very friendly and don’t give guests a hard time. Other clubs aren’t so welcoming. They actually give famous people a hard time.


‘I feel when I’m there like I’m amongst my people. I fit in. At other places I have felt like I was from a different socio-economic group. It feels very much like home even though it’s so well known. It’s down to earth and relatable.’

We're all the same

ink on paper

42 × 30 cm16 1/2 × 11 3/4 in

Acquired 2012

Dean StreetDining Room

I am a Filmmaker you are all Actors

ink on paper

42 × 30 cm16 1/2 × 11 3/4 in

Acquired 2012

Dean StreetDining Room

Books Tell us Nothing

ink on paper

42 × 30 cm16 1/2 × 11 3/4 in

Acquired 2012

Dean StreetDining Room

I Collect Records I am Obsessed with Them

ink on paper

42 × 30 cm16 1/2 × 11 3/4 in

Acquired 2012

Dean StreetDining Room