ART QUIZ: The Groucho Club vs The Royal Academy

04th Nov 2015

Thursday 12 November, 7pm

This is the big one! 

Respected art critic, artist and broadcaster Mathew Collings is going to host / mediate a very special Art Quiz: The Groucho Club v Royal Academy. Yes you read that right, inside the inner sanctum of the Academicians Room at the RA the young Turks of the Groucho Club will be going into art knowledge battle with the establishment. Of course this is merely a ‘friendly’ quiz between two mutually respectful houses who share a love of art! So no pressure, it’s not like the whole reputation of the Groucho Club rests on your shoulders… It is the duty of the brightest and bestest Groucho art swats to get your teams together to represent the Club in this Fauves versus the Conservatoire encounter.

Give and expect to receive no quarter, this is total Art Quiz.

Login here to RSVP. Cry havoc, and let slip the Ducks of war…